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Sep 28, 2020

Don’t Interrupt Me! – Handling Male Interruption in the Workplace

As a woman, it can be difficult to convey your thoughts and ideas in a workplace that is dominated by men. How should you handle yourself when faced with so many barriers? In this episode, we’re going to talk about ways to control the controllable and overcome any obstacles that may get in the way of your goals.

Lee Caraher is the founder and CEO of Double Forte, a content marketing and social media firm. Over the pandemic, Lee managed to successfully transition her company online. 

Being interrupted in the workplace can be a common scenario with so many dominant personalities. It can be disconcerting and for some women, after happening multiple times, it can plant a seed of doubt that maybe you don’t have something important to say.  At least, not compared to the men. It’s important to reclaim a foundation of confidence in order to be able to contribute well and be a strong part of the team. 

Pave your own path

Women tend to be more cautious. They want to make sure all the boxes are checked before making a move. Men, on the other hand, tend to jump before being so deliberate. When you see a man apply for the job and get it, this can feel like an interruption.  A job that looked perfect for you, with all your qualifications, has ended up in the hands of someone less qualified. Don’t let this send you backward.

Women are conditioned by society to doubt themselves. We are, however, better about helping each other and forming alliances.  As a woman, it’s easy to dwell on this doubt but you have the opportunity to interrupt that thought pattern.

How? By surrounding yourself with empowered women who will stand by you. Interrupt your thoughts and determine your value. You may need to make sacrifices to assert your value. Lee Ceharer even started her own company and paved her own path. 

When interrupted

What you do and how you respond with interruption depends on who interrupts you. The first thing, however, is to not make a scene. Let the person talk and bring it back to yourself. Give them the benefit of the doubt. If it happens a second time, it may be better to put a stop to it and ask that you be allowed to finish your thought. If it happens a third time, stand up and take a breather.