Sep 6, 2021
For many working professionals, the typical day-to-day is a constant stream of projects and tasks. As soon as one project is finished, we immediately move on to the next job, leaving little time to celebrate our accomplishments and successes. But is this the right approach? On today’s episode of IntHERrupt, Linda is joined by the founder of The Woman Behind the Smile and best-selling author Debby Montgomery to discuss the importance of celebrating your accomplishments.
We all have losses, whether we admit them or not.
It’s hard for people to accept a compliment.
What does Debby do to celebrate her accomplishments?
To anyone listening who has recently experienced the loss of a loved one, expected or unexpected, remember that life goes on. You can honor the person, and there is nothing wrong with crying. Do what you need to accept what has happened and find a way to move past it. Go to to find out more about Debby’s story and her books. If you’ve been a victim of a relationship scam, you aren’t alone. Reach out to Debby at debby@thewomanbehindthesmile to talk to Debby and
To get in contact with Gina, follow her on LinkedIn Do you
have stories to tell? Connect with Linda to share them.
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by TSE Studios, including this episode’s sponsor, The
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Spotify, and Stitcher. Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen