Jan 30, 2023
In this episode of Int-HER-rupt, our host Linda Yates has a conversation with Cheryl Nye. They discuss the importance of trust and how to respond when trust is broken - whether in the workplace or in life.
Cheryl’s Background:
The Importance of Trust
How to Recover From Broken Trust
Learning to Trust YOURSELF Again
Trust in the workplace is what helps create the bonds that makes a team strong. Without healthy communication and the knowledge that fellow teammates will follow through, a team will always suffer and lose their ability to work cohesively. If that trust is broken, accountability and actively listening can create a safe environment where trust can be rebuilt.
If this episode connected with you, reach out to Linda and let her know. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Check out other podcasts by TSE Studios, including this episode’s sponsor, The Sales Evangelist, helping new and struggling sellers close more deals and achieve their sales goals. Subscribe to the IntHERrupt Podcast so you won’t miss a single show. Find us on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Stitcher. Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen Productions.