Jan 2, 2023
In today’s episode of IntHERrupt, our host Linda talks with Jordan LaSalle on how you can be comfortable with your particular leadership style.
Meet your team member instead of forcing them to come to you
Be authentic and build a genuine relationship with the people you’re leading
Understand your role in the team, as well as the role of everyone else
Recognize other people’s expertise
Don’t be afraid of vulnerability
The final three points
Take all of these considerations in mind to become a better leader, and connect more with your team.
Do you have stories to tell? Connect with Linda to share them. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Check out other podcasts by TSE Studios, including this episode’s sponsor, The Sales Evangelist, helping new and struggling sellers close more deals and achieve their sales goals. Subscribe to the IntHERrupt Podcast so you won’t miss a single show. Find us on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Stitcher. Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen Productions.