Nov 1, 2021
Did you know that when we communicate, only 7% is in the words that we say? That means 93% of our communication is through nonverbal language. In today’s episode of IntHERrupt, Linda’s going solo to explain some of her findings and experiences in fostering positive nonverbal communication.
The goal with body language is to look at them in clusters, not just one instance of expression.
Linda learned firsthand the importance of body language when interacting with a past COO.
Posture is integral to good nonverbal communication.
Use nonverbal communication to gauge if someone might be deceptive.
Your body language is just as crucial as your teammates’.
Do you have any questions about body language or being aware of your own body language? Ask it in Linda’s Facebook group!
Do you have stories to tell? Connect with Linda to share them.
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Spotify, and Stitcher. Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen